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  • Build your career & impact your community

    At Ridgefield, Darien and Brookfield Running Companies - you will have opportunities to grow your skills, take on new responsibilities, achieve things you didn't think were possible, and give back to your community.

    You bring your enthusiasm, fresh ideas and willingness to learn and in return, we will provide the training and mentorship to get you on a path to a successful career!

    Learn more about what life is like when you're on our team and explore open opportunities below.

    Join Our Team


    Why does our company exist?

    We exist to provide a unique and positive experience to serve our community through the act of forward motion, however you choose to move through life. We open our doors everyday hoping to empower people to live a strong and healthy life, and provide the tools to pave the way.

    How do we stride? (Our company and team values)

  • We put the customer first in all things.

  • We create a positive customer experience by connecting empathetically with everyone who walks in our doors.

  • We find, recruit and train the most caring, passionate runners to join our team.

  • We uphold the highest levels of teamsmanship, morals and ethics.

  • We put aside any personal issues that we may have outside work and give our best each and every day, whether it is working with customers or working alongside our colleagues.

  • We let our team know we are there for them, we have their back, they can lean on us whenever a difficult situation arises and they need a helping hand.

  • We give each other timely, specific and constructive feedback with the shared goal of improving the RRC and our team.
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    Grow your career with us!

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