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  • Playing It Forward

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    Playing It Forward

    A few weeks ago, Steven Hergenrother, a junior Ridgefield High School student, was  recognized as Gatorade CT Boys Cross Country Athlete of the Year.  This prestigious award recognizes outstanding athletic excellence, academic achievement and character.


    As a recipient of the Gatorade Player of the Year Award, Steven received a $1,000 grant as part of their Play It Forward Initiative.  This initiative empowers athletes to give back to other athletes to realize their potential through sport. Steven decided to donate his grant to the Kicks for Kids Initiative!  His generous donation helps our efforts to ensure Bridgeport High School XC/Track athletes have properly fitted running shoes and spikes.



    Steven and his family are one of RRC’s first customers, he even shared his Runner’s Core Routine with RRC in 2018, when he was 12 years old!  Two of his sisters have worked at RRC, and his mother, Dr. Christie Coates, is an annual  sponsor of Run Like a Mother.



    In honor of Steven, RRC is matching his $1000 donation to Kicks for Kids.  Please consider Playing it Forward and donating!


    Here is Steven's Core Routine

    1) One minute front plank
    2) One minute left side plank
    3) One minute right side plank
    4) One minute back plank
    (No rest in between any of the planks)
    5) 15 butt lifts - legs go down to within a few inches of the floor and then as high as is shown in the photo
    6) 15 V-ups - legs go down to within a few inches of the floor and then as high as is shown in the photo
    7) 100 crunches with legs at 90 degrees
    8) 100 crunches with legs at 135 degrees
    9) 100 crunches with legs at 180 degrees
    (Feet do not touch the ground between any of the crunch sets)
    10) Push-up series (10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10) with 3 breaths in between each = 110 total push-ups
    11) 4 minute straight leg lift - this one's tough



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